Our hearts go out to all who have been impacted by the horrible COVID-19 virus…….especially our health care providers.
It’s times like these that give us the chance to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. We know so many of you kind-hearted folks wish you could get out and help in some way, and we believe at this time, showing our support, appreciation, and love towards the ones fighting this virus is the thing to do.
With that being said, we wanted to send a message of gratitude by showing that we are thinking of the courageous heroes on the front line. In March, donations from POW members made it possible for us to deliver 100 healthy, fresh, individually wrapped meals from Bennett’s to the ER department of Kaiser Roseville. They were so appreciative and moved by your kindness. POW fed approximately….
60 nurses
10 doctors
10 Techs
10 Security Guards
5 housekeepers
5 clerks
Keep in mind, housekeepers and security guards are usually left out of these acts of kindness. We made sure they got meals and were included and shown appreciation!
As long as you keep the donations coming, we will continue to put smiles on our heroes faces!
Oh and we covered our vegans, vegetarian, meat eaters, salad lovers, etc. ❤️ Visit our donations page if you’d like to help us provide more meals to our local healthcare workers!
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